Blooming Bristol

Blooming Bristol

Pothole garden in Bristol street art
Pothole garden in Bristol street art

The Gardens Illustrated team invited me up to Bristol the other week to re-create their October cover, in miniature. Here are the results! Thanks to Jason Ingram for the great pictures.

Pothole garden in Bristol street art 2
Pothole garden in Bristol street art 2
Pothole garden in Bristol street art 3
Pothole garden in Bristol street art 3
Pothole garden in Bristol street art 4
Pothole garden in Bristol street art 4

They included a wonderful writeup in this month's edition of the magazine about my book. Thanks so much to Anne Gatti and the team.

Check out this lovely little pothole garden from Australia that was sent to me from Melita and her friends from the Lemonade Learning blog.


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Unestablishment gardening

Unestablishment gardening

Columbia Road Flower Market meets Cologne!

Columbia Road Flower Market meets Cologne!